
How To Set Up Apple Time Capsule 2tb

The Airport Time Capsule is no longer manufactured by Apple. But you tin can source 1 as a refurbished unit.

Or 2nd user.

If you can find one. Keep tight hold.

As there's little out in that location in the market to rival what information technology does.

In this article you lot'll be guided though the ready of your Fourth dimension Sheathing.

And if yous've had one for a while this article will help you to bank check it's set upward.

Got an Airport Extreme? It works in a similar way.

Fortunately, but similar the rest of the Apple's Eco organization of products. The Airport Time Capsule is straight frontward and easy to install and ready upwardly.

– When you understand how.

For those of you in a bustle you can have a expect at the Table of Contents.

Scan the headings and go straight to the subject area y'all're burning to know well-nigh.

Otherwise take a seat, settle in and have a read.

5 Quick Ways To Set up Your Drome Time Sheathing

1. Setting Upwardly Fourth dimension Capsule For The Start Fourth dimension On A Mac

First we'll look at a basic install.

By design your Time Capsule comes ready to plug in, boot up. And it even installs itself with some basic settings.

Useful as that is.

You'll need to set up Time Capsule for your ain network.

What Y'all Need To Install Airport Time Sheathing

Yous'll need your cable or broadband modem installed. Up and running with a connexion to the Internet.

You may even have a wireless router equally part of your modem.

Your Fourth dimension Sheathing needs access to the WAN to correctly boot itself. Or you'll run across the dreaded flashing amber light on the front.

You'll can get the within rails on what the different status lights hateful a trivial subsequently on.

You'll need a DSL cable, to connect your Time Capsule to your broadband router.

A power socket to plug your Capsule into.

And you'll need to put your Time Capsule up at a reasonable superlative. On a table, or shelf.

It's all-time that Fourth dimension Capsule has open access and is non enclosed. This is so that you'll accept the all-time Wifi bespeak.

Your MacBook or iOS device. Y'all'll use it to configure your Fourth dimension Capsule. Have it ready with its Wifi switched on.

Your Mac needs to run OSX 10.7 or later on.

You can set up on an iPhone, iPad or iPod impact. It needs to run iOS 6.1 or later.

You lot too tin set up your Time Sheathing using a Windows PC. Your Windows PC volition need to have Airport Utilities installed. Plus Bonjour Print Utilities as well.

You can download the latest versions from the Apple App store.

Hardware Install Of Your Apple tree Time Capsule

Connect your DSL cable – the cable from your Internet or broadband modem. Into the Airport Time Sheathing's WAN port.

Airport Time Capsule Wan Port
Airport Time Capsule Wan Port

Normally, your cable provider provides you with the correct cable. Or you tin hands order 1 online.

Information technology's key that you plug in all the cables offset. Do that alee of plugging in your Airport Time Capsule'southward power cable.

All cables plugged in?

At present yous're prepare to plug your Time Sheathing into an electric outlet.

Your Time Sheathing volition kick up and get its IP address from your cable modem. Then information technology'll set itself upward in a default config.

While it does this, you lot'll run across the condition light turn on. And lite upwardly amber. That means your Airport Time Capsule is booting up and configuring itself.

The amber status light turns to solid greenish when your Airport Time Capsule has finished its kicking up. And gear up for you to configure.

Fourth dimension Capsule's Software Gear up

You set up your Time Capsule using the AirPort Utility App.


You can just as hands use the Drome Utilities software on your iPad, iPhone, iPad Touch to prepare.

Or on a Windows figurer with the software installed.

Set Up On A Mac

Open Airport Utility.

Y'all practice this by going to your Applications binder. And then inside that open up your Utilities folder. Double click to open the AirPort Utility application inside there.

Or you find the software using spotlight search.

Spotlight Search Symbol
Spotlight Search Symbol

Type in 'Airport Utility'.

Airport Utility Search
Airdrome Utility Search

And start upwards the App.

Because you lot've already done your hardware install. And booted your Apple Time Capsule.

When the software opens on your Mac. You'll meet the Airport Fourth dimension Capsule broadcasting. And set up with a default name.

Click on your Time Capsule and then click continue.

If for some reason you can't run across your Fourth dimension Capsule on this screen. Click on your Wifi symbol at the tiptop of your desktop.

Wifi Symbol On Your Desktop
Wifi Symbol On Your Desktop

Your new Time Capsule will exist on the listing of bachelor Wifis. And you can pick it from there.

Annotation. You may need to wait a few seconds for your Wifi to cycle circular to show you lot every wireless network.

Create A New Network On Your Time Capsule

You'll now go to the 'What do you want to practice with this Airport Time Sheathing' screen.

Time Capsule Create New Network
Time Capsule Create New Network

Selection 'Create a new network' and and so click on the 'next' push.

The next screen allows you to personalize your Airport Time Sheathing. And the Wifi network on your Time Sheathing.

Time Capsule Network Base Name
Fourth dimension Capsule Network and Base Name

You put in here the name you lot'd like for your Wifi network.

Later on that give a proper noun to your Time Capsule.

Y'all'll find information technology all-time to give your Capsule a name that's quick and easy for you to find.

It makes it easier for you to spot your Wifi network. And your Time Capsule when you connect your Mac and Apple devices to it subsequently.

Now Set up Your Capsule's Password

Set yourself a expert secure password to preclude whatever hacking over the Internet.

Put that in now.

You'll notice from the moving-picture show to a higher place that the 'Use a single password' check box has a bank check mark in information technology.

If you uncheck that box. You lot can assign a carve up password to your network and another one for your Fourth dimension Sheathing.

This may exist useful for those situations where you lot demand to requite out the network countersign. Simply you don't want to give the same admin admission to your Capsule.

To be honest there's an option to gear up a Invitee Network for such a situation. And then for most people assigning a single password is fine.

Click 'next'.

two. Setting Up Time Capsule'due south Invitee Network

And here'southward a valuable feature on your Apple Fourth dimension Sheathing. Setting up a invitee network.

Guest Networks are useful for those visitors, welcome or not. That you lot demand to have on your Wifi network.

But you lot'd prefer to keep them away from your principal Wifi with your other Apple devices on.

On the next ready screen you lot'll see that you can create a invitee network.

Time Capsule Guest Network
Time Capsule Invitee Network

Click the check box to plow on the invitee network. And then give your invitee network's Wifi a proper noun.

This way you can easily see it from your main Wifi.

You can then have no countersign. Or set the security level you want computers on your guest network to take.

You'll observe it'southward best to ready a password.

Considering who wants every passer by on the street using your Wifi?

Before yous know what y'all'll have a crowd out at that place in no fourth dimension.

Assign a countersign. Verify information technology and click adjacent when you're finished.

Completing Your First Fourth dimension Set Of Your Drome Time Capsule

The next screen asks you lot if you want to send Diagnostics and Usage data to Apple.

Time Capsule Send Diag
Fourth dimension Capsule Send Diag

Decide. So cheque the box yous wish and select 'adjacent'


Check the box if you wish and click 'next'.

Your Aerodrome Fourth dimension Capsule will now reboot itself and use your preferred settings.

After it reboots the Wifi will exist broadcasting ready for yous to connect up to. And your Sheathing's internal drive will exist prepare for you to use. You now should find it helpful to take a look at this article on the site. 'How To Use Drome Time Sheathing'.

Find It Easier Watching A YouTube Time Capsule Setup Video?

Peyton has washed a good job with this video.

Picket every bit he goes through the steps.

How to Set Up Time Capsule

Video Credit: Peyton

three. Set Up Time Capsule With iOS Or A PC

Y'all'll need the Drome Utility App downloaded and installed on iOS. Or your Windows PC when you're using one.

On your Windows PC you lot'll need Bonjour Impress Utilities installed too.

Be sure to download and install the software direct from the Apple App store.

Windows PC Fix

Connect upwards cables every bit described above. Information technology'southward in the Hardware Install Of Your Apple Fourth dimension Sheathing section.

Kicking upwardly your Airport Fourth dimension Capsule. It'll boot up with its default settings.

Start upward the Airdrome Utilities software on your PC.

All the screens y'all run across volition follow along only the same as in the Time Capsule's Software Fix Up above. Then pop support this post and follow along.

IOS Gear up Up

You connect up your cables to your Time Sheathing.  As described to a higher place in this article in the Hardware Install Of Your Apple tree Fourth dimension Sheathing role.

Then boot up your Fourth dimension Capsule to its default gear up.

Things are a fiddling different in the iOs fix.

On your Apple tree device you get to settings and option network.

Be sure to take your Wifi turned on and then your Apple tree mobile device can see the network.

Pick 'Set up a new Drome Base of operations Station'

Platform Set up on iOS
Platform Ready up on iOS

Wait a few moments while the software gathers information near the network.

IOS Gathering Data
IOS Gathering Data

In one case Airport Utilities has done that. You'll see the screen to 'Create a New Network'

Pick create a new Aerodrome time Sheathing network.

IOS Create a new Wifi Network, give it a name
IOS Create a new Wifi Network, give information technology a proper name

So, as you lot would if you were setting up on a Mac. You can now give your Fourth dimension Sheathing's Wifi network a name.

And then your Apple Capsule'southward base a proper noun. After that you'll get a gamble to put in your password.

It's key to set up a good strong password. As this helps protect your network from shady characters on the Internet. Hacking is the last matter yous.

Chore done. And now you're ready to learn how to use your Fourth dimension Capsule. Have a read of my commodity here 'How To Use Airport Time Capsule'.

four. Backing Up To Your Time Capsule

Your Airport Time Capsule is among the best network based backup devices for your Mac. Thanks to its excellent Wifi coverage and ease of connexion to Time Machine.

Time Capsule identifies where your Apple devices are on your Wifi network. And focuses (beams) the Wifi signal to your device so y'all become the best point possible.

To Set Up Your Fourth dimension Sheathing Backup To Time Machine

The primary thing to call back is that your practise the set up of Fourth dimension Machine on your Mac.

It'southward the Time Machine software on your Mac that finds the Time Capsule. And uses the drive in the Fourth dimension Sheathing to support to.

To do this …

Go to your Mac. And each Mac that y'all want to back up to your Aerodrome Time Capsule.

Brand sure you turn the Wifi on.

Become into the Time Machine awarding on your Mac. At that place are several ways to do this.

Click the Apple tree logo in the top left hand corner of your screen. And select System Preferences from the drop down menu.

Then click on Fourth dimension Machine.

Or from spotlight search at the top of your desktop.

Spotlight Search Symbol
Spotlight Search Symbol

Type in System Preferences.

Spotlight Search System Preferences
Spotlight Search Arrangement Preferences

You'll go to the same menu where yous tin select Time Machine.

Time Machine in System Preferences
Fourth dimension Machine in Organisation Preferences

Once in Time Machine.

Uncheck the box to turn off Automatic backups. Now, you're set to prepare Fourth dimension Machine.

Time Machine Select Disk
Time Automobile Select Disk

And then click on Select Disk.

Because your Mac's Wifi is on. Fourth dimension Auto will automatically discover your AirPort Time Capsule'south internal drive.

You'll find it listed under available disks.

Time Machine Available Drives
Fourth dimension Car Available Drives

You'll encounter the proper name y'all gave the Time Capsule when y'all set information technology up.

Click on your Fourth dimension Capsule'south name then click 'Use Disk'.

From so on Time Machine will use the Drome Fourth dimension Capsule to do your backups.

Time Auto To Time Sheathing Backup Tips

Couple of quick tips.

Y'all check marking the check box to prove the Time Machine in the menu bar at the peak of your desktop.

This is a quick style to access stopping or starting your backups.

You tin just employ that carte.

For the first time back up of your Mac you'll want to direct connect your Mac to the Time Capsule.

Because Time Machine will back up everything on your Mac. And it will suck upwards your Wifi bandwidth. And y'all'll find it difficult to access the Cyberspace while your backup happens.

Your beginning backup could take some time. Depending on how much storage you're using on your Mac.

It's far amend to do the first fill-in wired.

Y'all do that by direct connect with an Ethernet cable from your Mac to your Fourth dimension Capsule.

And that means sourcing a USB C to Ethernet adaptor cable or USB hub with Ethernet.

After your get-go backup the rest are incremental backups.

And so are easily done over Wifi.

Check the box in Time Machine for automatic backups.

And so whenever your Mac is in range your incremental backups will kick off.

5. Adding An External Hard Drive To Your Airport Time Sheathing

Your 5th quick way to set up the Airport Time Capsule is to add an external bulldoze.

Why add a drive to your Time Sheathing in the commencement place?

Calculation a bulldoze allows you to create a networked shared drive. Plus, you can aggrandize the bachelor storage on your Fourth dimension Capsule.

The storage and then becomes both a shared disk you can access over Wifi and shop files on.

Or you tin have as an extra backup disk for Time Machine.

Connecting a USB drive to Drome Time Capsule is easy and simple. process that volition have less than v minutes to do.

Note that.

Your Airport Time Sheathing can't format your external drive itself.

Format your USB bulldoze alee of connecting up to your Time Capsule.

You can do this by plugging your bulldoze into a Mac. And formatting the drive as APFS, or Mac Bone Extended (Journaled) file system.

Or if you lot desire you lot can format as ExFAT. So that y'all tin use your external drive to store files from your Windows PC. And share files betwixt Windows and your Mac. Y'all'll notice an article on the site that talks about shareable drives. Just click this link hither.

Expanding Your Time Sheathing Storage

Assuming your external drive is already formatted. And/or partitioned up as you want.

You lot plug in your drive into the USB port on your Airport Time Capsule.

Apple Time Capsule USB Port
Apple tree Time Capsule USB Port

Understand that the port is a USB 2.0 port for type A connectedness.

USB 2.0 disks are more challenging to buy these days. Just a USB three.0 external drive uses the same physical connection. And is backwards compatible.

The faster drive will simply wearisome down to match the speed the Fourth dimension Capsule.

At present go to your Mac.

Or the device you manage your Fourth dimension Capsule from. And open AirPort Utility.

Airport Utility Graphical Interface
Drome Utility Graphical Interface

Select Edit. Enter your Fourth dimension Capsule'southward password.

Click 'Disks'

This will let y'all manage the drives on your Time Capsule.

Click 'Enable File Sharing'.

Now you lot need to think about how y'all fix the security on your external bulldoze.

The primary drive on your Time Capsule has a password. The Time Capsule's countersign.

You tin set upwards the external drive to use the same password every bit your Time Sheathing. Or give it a different password.

Click 'Secure shared disks'.

At present cull either 'With deejay countersign'.

If you're setting a carve up password.

Or 'With device countersign" to utilise the existing Time Capsule password.

This is crucial. Information technology protects your files and drive from Internet hackers.

When you're washed click update.

Then choose base station and 'Restart'.

This will ensure that your external drive and Time Capsule are completely synchronized.

You tin now close the software.

To apply your bulldoze on your Mac accept a await at my article How To Employ Airport Time Capsule'. And read the department 'With An External Drive Attached'.

Apple tree's Fourth dimension Capsule Setup Guide

You'll find information technology useful to take a look at the Gear up Upwardly Guide that comes with the Drome Time Capsule.

Information technology's a petty cursory – every bit the Time Capsule is capable of and so much more than. Only it does cover the nuts.

Apple tree's Airport Time Capsule Setup Guide

Time Capsule Status Lights

Information technology'due south worth understanding what the status light colors mean. These lights are on the front of your Airdrome Fourth dimension Capsule.

No Condition Light Or Information technology'south Off

Ways your Airport Time Capsule has no access to power. Information technology's unplugged.


Means your Airport Time Capsule is booting up.

Flashing Bister Status Lite

Ways that your Drome Time Capsule is unable to see the Internet.

Ways that your Airport Time Sheathing tin can't see the Internet.

This may hateful that your WAN cable is unplugged. Or your Internet supplier may have bug. Or your modem has bug.

Information technology could be something that has nothing to do with your Time Capsule.

Check y'all've Cyberspace connection to your modem.

It may also hateful that there's a new firmware update available for your Apple tree Time Sheathing.

To check this. First upwardly Airport Utility. Click on your Time Capsule. Click on the version number. And you'll run across if yous've the latest version.

If yous don't then y'all can update the firmware.

Flashing Amber can likewise mean a problem with your internal drive. And it could be failing.

You can go into the software. Click on your Fourth dimension Sheathing. Y'all'll see an amber circle to the right of your Time Capsule'due south picture.

Double click to open up the window. And step through the issues reported.

You can make changes. Or decide to ignore if they're non-crucial or unimportant.

Don't forget to utilize your changes when yous're done.

You do that by pressing 'Update' to restart your Apple tree Fourth dimension Capsule.

When you've dealt with all the problems you should get a prissy solid green low-cal after reboot.

Solid Green Status Light

Means your Airport Time Capsule is happy and working.

Flashing Amber And Dark-green

At that place was a trouble on outset upwards experienced by the Airport Fourth dimension Capsule and it's going to restart itself.

If yous're having problems with your Airport Fourth dimension Capsule it's a adept idea to become into Drome Utility.

Pick your Fourth dimension Sheathing and the software should evidence you any issues it finds with your Time Capsule.

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How To Set Up Apple Time Capsule 2tb,


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